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July 8, 2000

"try to master vicissitude"

Anon, LB&FFP's refrigerator

new place for eXtreme snacks











lazing away a Saturday

I get a nice early start on the day. Rocky, but still early. I get up before 7. I get dressed and get a cup and answer some e-mail. When SuRu calls, I really am ready to go but I try for another cup of coffee and end up standing and drinking it in the door of here CR/V. I entice her to take a sip to see why I'm so addicted to the Capresso. She agrees it is good.

I want to go to Clarksville and show her the gorilla. She's already seen it, but we go anyway so I can take a picture. (See yesterday.) . We park on 13th and walk straight down W. Lynn for a picture. Up Highland, down Oakland, up Pressler, over to Blanco, up Blanco, across 12th, around Marshall to 13th and back to Cippollina. When I say up and down in Clarksville, well it is.

It's funny, walking you see things you will never see driving. Road kill (snake, on 6th...hope the missing snake sign wasn't a connection); a fledging fallen from a nest and hopping to hide in some ivy; litter...lottery scratch offs; all kinds of eye-level-moving-slow things. I imagine the dogs see things a little differently. And smell things a little differently.

This is our first stop at Cippolina for our drink and snack. SuRu has a biscuit and butter and some coffee. She isn't too complimentary of the coffee so I get a coke and a very wonderful, fresh from the oven spinach and chicken croissant. In the air conditioned inside, getting my stuff, I'm standing there with my coke and I start to sweat and sweat. I'm afraid I will drink the entire bottle of coke in one gulp. But I don't. These new little cokes have eight ounces. Didn't the old fashion returnable ones have six? Yet they seem smaller. Thinner glass?

At home I futz with wrapping a baby gift and making a card. I read, I lunch, I snack, I watch TV. (Saw the end of Venus' victory.) The day just drifts away. Pleasantly. I read (or at least glance at) every paper in the paper pile. FFP makes some chicken breasts for supper. We don't go anywhere. I drink Jack Daniels on ice in an enormous heavy glass.

I consider cleaning up this office. I move a few things around. But I don't really get started.





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