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August 3, 2000

"The original style is not the style which never borrows of any one, but that which no other person is capable of reproducing."

Francois Rene de Chateaubriand , The Genius of Christianity

who has a better sense of style than the Fido Dido bendies?



Meta: Updating is still for each day, but the updates are running a little behind.






I'm still struggling at work. With a staff job, you have to find the right thing to do. You can always find lots of things to do. Of course, that's true of a lot of jobs.

It is a pretty ordinary, dull workday except for lunch. SuRu drives Nancy (the blacksmith, the artist) who is married to her FP, also a blacksmith and I to Nancy's house at lunch. The house is in this ordinary neighborhood out there not far from 1325 and IH35. The lot is nice, but it's really an ordinary tract house. Except. These two have style. Wow. They have ripped walls, raised ceilings, put in wood floor and tile and carpet and made a closet out of a bedroom and they are going to have a fireplace that is fronted with metal and stone, hand-forged.

We eat lunch at Jason's at the above-mentioned intersection. Can you say 'never again!' Nancy says the shopping center is deserted on Sunday morning at 9am and the Target is open. I would never go there otherwise.

After work I stopped by the parents to get the text they wanted for a moving letter.

Forrest and I go to Westwood. I like it there. It's close and the pool with the screaming kids is kind of homey. But you start to see the seedier side of it, too. The locker room is old and the machines are starting to show wear. I'm glad we were forced to join a new place closer to us, though, in a way. Because I think we will go more often. Forrest certainly has used it a lot already.

We eat chicken for dinner. I feel good after the workout, but tired. I decide to go to sleep early (11PM) and get up early. Yeah, right.

I am starting to realize how many things there really are for which Mom and Dad need help. Now to just make time to actually do it.

FFP says writing does help and makes a seven point list of things he's going to do to feel better and e-mails it to me.

The Austin Chronicle comes out with an article on online journals in tomorrow's edition. (Dated Friday, but always available on Thursday...that's our weekly rag's schedule.) Pamie is mentioned, of course. And Rob. They also mention one I don't think I've read before. Trailer Trash Housewife. I might have to give this one a good try when I have a moment.

I'm reading the article and thinking, "Wow, I'm so glad I'm undiscovered. I'm never going to join a ring or 'burb." Hey...if you are reading this you are so alone. It's very private and very cool, don't you think? Don't tell anyone.






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