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August 4, 2000

"If man is alive, there is alwyas danger that he may die, though the danger must be allowed to be less in proportion as he is dead-and-alive to begin with. A man sits as many risks as he runs.."

Henry David Thoreau, Walden

one in a series of items I did not collect: the egglplant teapot...courtesy of a fogotten ebay trader



Meta: Updating is still for each day, but the updates are running a little behind. Yes, still behind.






I feel charged up about work. Because I've decided what I must do. What I must recommend. There will be confrontations on some fronts. That's OK.

At lunch I buy my parents a piece of furniture for the kitchen so they can eat in there. SuRu helps me cart it over there. It may be too big, I can't decide. If so, we will just try again. After work, I go back with my dad to get the stools I bought to go with it. I told him where to go to pick them up but he couldn't locate it. Soon he will be an expert at driving the neighborhood, however.

I am a whiny wimp. Everything in my life is as close to perfect as anyone could dream.

Yes, I'd been feeling a little down and depressed and even sorry for myself. (No reason, just doing it. It's just something you do sometimes.) Oh, sure, I have an ache or a pain or a problem or two that assures me that I'm 50-something. But my life is perfect.

I found out a friend had a very scary affliction. Anytime something like this happens to someone, I think how lucky I am and, for a couple of days, I act grateful. I am exuberant in my gratefulness while worrying about my friend. Then I forget. This friend has more grace than anyone I know, too. I admire this guy.

Did I mention my life was perfect? It is.

And then I end up feeling guilty about feeling good because my life is perfect because my friend has this much bigger worry. It's all stupid, I know. But there it is.

FFP's cousin (distant) Robert treated us to dinner at Zoot. We took a couple of bottles of wine. I had this chilled carrot soup with spicy shrimp. Very delicious. And fried green tomatoes. And a salmon and crawfish cake. And a bite of FFP's delicious steak. And a bite of his lemon dessert.

The usual gang of suspects hung out to hear Rebecca play in the FS lounge. She played the theme from "A Man and a Woman." Remember what a sensation there was when that movie came out? She played "Straighten Up and Fly Right" for Maggie. Maggie is thousands of miles away in Cape Town but I think she knows. (Yeah, she does, because I tell her in e-mail.)

I had another early night. I don't think it does that much good really.






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