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August 28, 2000

"The sublime and the ridiculous are often so nearly related, that it is difficult to class them separately. One step above the sublime, makes the ridiculous; and one step above the ridiculous, makes the sublime again."

Tom Paine, The Age of Reason


for sale on ebay, of course



Meta: I'm still slashing and changing the days leading up to this one. I keep wondering why I'm doing this. Many reasons, really. To see what it takes to do it. To have a reason to deal with the files, the commands, how the layout looks. To record the small things. To have my say. Still, it's been a hard act to continue. I'm amazed that so many people succeed with this. But sometimes I find a stunning entry in someone else's journal that makes me understand everything. The goal beckons.

Health: My left hand and wrist hurt every time I life anything or stretch in any direction. But because I'm a medical nihlist and because I've had this before and it went away I'm waiting for it to heal spontaneously.






One of the things that I thought would be neat about having my parents here in Austin, and close by work at that, would be just to drop in for lunch. A short visit, check on them, look them in the eye, listen to their adventures, tell or hear a joke.

I went by for lunch today. Helped Dad move a microwave up on a rather high cart. Set the sprinkler system. Talked about Dad's plants and the bougenvilla in the yard. Ate some sausage, bread and mixed vegetables Mom made for lunch. Gathered up things they'd brought from Denver for me and gave them prints of e-mail they'd received. They told me about church and trips to the grocery store.

It was pretty much like I'd imagined it would be.


At work, when I come back from vacation, I often decide it's time to stir things up. Today was like that.

Forrest was doing laundry and making dinner when I got home. Rare tuna on salad greens with sauteed bananas and pineapple. Squash. Two home-cooked meals in one day! I washed the dishes and folded some underwear and towels. This is about as domestic as I get.

Forrest succeeds in putting a title on a test video. I make a 'thank you' card for our hosts in Portland/Vancouver. I write some e-mail. I always think I'm going to get a lot of tasks done in the evening. But I don't. Or, perhaps, I expect too much of that little slot of time.







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