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August 29, 2000

"Perfection is the child of Time."

Bishop Joseph Hall, Works


secret project

accomplice on the secret project


Meta: I'm caught up but I'm still bereft of much to say. I'm closing down I feel.

Health update: I *NEED* to exercise more, eat better and drink more water. My left land and wrist are responding to my attempt to rest the hand in a comfy position instead of testing my pain threshold by checking to see if certain movements hurt. Yeah, I know. Duh.





time spends you

We make all these choices every day. How we spend our time is the most important. A few more minutes in bed? Visit the parents after work while FFP dutifully works out at our club? Go out to lunch and throw in a little shopping? Take a break to work on a secret personal project with a friend?

And when I *AM* working I am making a bunch of decisions about what to do next. It's quite true that I set my own priorities for a large part of every day. I go to meetings, but, at my desk, I often choose between ten or fifteen things that all seem like they need to be done yesterday. I choose how to do them, how deeply. I process interruptions, of course, like phone calls and e-mail.

I often fret that I can't remember where I put some notes or what was decided on something or what a figure I need was or what I was doing before the weekend intervened. I think I should keep a running file with these things to search...but I forget to keep it up. That's a choice, an expenditure of time as well.

But I must get more organized. Really.

I'm wondering more and more how to keep after this. Where to look for the content thing. Didn't I hear an interesting bit of conversation I could repeat? Didn't I see an interesting sight? I wish.

I'm trying to show my mom how to use a computer. This is an exercise in my patience. I also sometimes realize I don't remember how something actually works. I can *DO* it if at the keyboard. But when I'm trying to guide her, it doesn't work. For example, she is unsteady with the pointer so I figure I'll show her how to use the start menu with the arrow keys. Then I momentarily forget that she has to hit 'enter' when the correct thing is highlighted. Duh. Somewhere my figures know this...although I'd use mousing and recover by mousing from my own shakes.

My dad and the squirrels are in a battle over his bird feeder. Mom thinks he and the squirrels are playing with each other. He laughs. He is watching the Travel Channel. The church of Elvis in Portland is featured. Almost went there a few days ago.

FFP cooks for me again. I wash dishes. We are getting so domestic. Not really.

I'm planning some business trips. Planning my presentations. Making the airline and hotel plans. I suddenly realized that I don't like making such preparations. I don't really like planning pleasure trips. I just like doing them. Must just buckle down and do it. One point of resistance is that I don't even like GOING on business trips any more. I dread them. But my current job means that I really must take them to do the job. My buddies think it's a keen deal to travel...especially if you get to go to Europe or Australia. You know...there was a time when I would have agreed.






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