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September 18, 2000


"Zeal is fit only for wise men, but is found mostly in fools."

Thomas Fuller, M.D, Gnomologia



Meta: The priority I'd set for doing this journal has drifted downward. I'm not sure why. Still, I am trying to catch up with it.








customer dinner

Work seemed to be embroiled in scheduling meetings. I hate meetings. However, some of these represent important milestones to me. Maybe. I hope. Not achievements exactly. An old programmer considers nothing less than a design or a piece of running code as an achievement. Stay long enough in a staff job and you will consider documents, presentations, a tentative consensus and yes, even a meeting as progress. 'Tis sad.

Talking directly to customers is always interesting. It may not be progress on your products but it does allow you to go outside the vendor mode and listen to one customer's victories and woes.

During the customer dinner (which seemed to go on for an overly long time) I noticed the slightest scratchy throat. Oh, no, I thought. FFP did have a cold and now I'm getting it. I didn't order alcohol and couldn't wait to get home and swallow some Echinecea.


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