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April 18, 2001




"Improving one's style means improving one's ideas, and nothing else. He who does not at once concede this can never be convinced of the point."

Friedrich Nietzsche , Human, All Too Human




thanks to an ebay trader for the image










di-late v. tr. To make wider or larger, cause to expand. v. intr. 1. To become wider or larger, expand. 2. To speak or write at great length on a subject, expatiate.

I worked from home in the morning. Because I had an appointment to have my eyes checked at 10:30 and in the neighborhood of home. Besides, I'm tired of waiting for the other shoes to drop from the centipede of business politics. When you choose what part of your business is going to grow, is it a self-fulfilling prophecy.

You might say that this journal is my attempt to dilate or expatiate on the subject of my small life. It goes on and on as surely as the calendar pages turn. There are other journals online that I read. Some of them are relentless about creating a posting every day, others are at least regular about it. Some go in phases. The ones that insist on posting every day are the ones that eventually grab people. Little vacations, pauses, and hesitations in getting the postings up are OK. Only the best writers, the ones with really compelling ideas can grab you in a so-called journal without dragging you through day after day of mundane information. And these aren't really journals. They are online books of essays. I'm not that good. Or not motivated in that way. I'm typing and typing until a pearl shows up. Will it? Probably not. Of course, people involved in my life sometimes find the photos amusing. Most of the people in my life, though, can't be bothered to read this. I probably get away with a lot because of that! Others do try to catch up with the river of words and paddle in it happily because they 'get me.'

'In my company....' I often begin sentences that way. I will never have a company with employees. Probably not anyway. If I did, though, we wouldn't have a lot of meetings. And there would be no rah-rah meetings and award trips except for salesmen.

Enough on that subject. We had cocktails and snacks at Sardine Rouge. With supporters of Ballet Austin. Someone in my office who represented themselves to the community is a topic of conversation. It's starting to get to me. Must remember that the company is not me and therefore I'm not her! Thank goodness.

Afterwards, we went to 34th Street Cafe. It was busy and lively. We talked to Eddie, the owner, about the restaurant shake-out...22 becoming Alligator Grill, Tocai closing, Brio Vista either becoming Eddie V's or up for sale. I think 34th Street will make it, though. We had wine (two glasses), two apps, a small (and very adequate Caesar) and enchiladas (for FFP) and the bill was $66 with tax/tip. They were busy. Excellent, very close to gourmet, food and good value-priced wine at reasonable prices.

In the department of weird WEB surfing: someone was searching for "teen shootings" and arrived at our home page! I can only conclude that the presence of an essay on the Charles Whitman shootings caused that. I couldn't make it happen myself through the engine, even searching every entry they offered.


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