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April 28, 2001




Bumper stickers sighted in today's eXtreme dog walking neighborhood:

"If Mary had been Pro-Choice, we wouldn't have Christmas."

"I brake for hula hoops."





the way to the flight path

zoey window shops





no lack of slack

I was actually up a dressed and ready and three cups caffeinated when 8AM rolled around. SuRu needed more time. We were finally off around 8:30. I chose the neighborhood and picked the one around the flight path coffee shop.

We parked around 55th and Evans. We walked around, peeked in funky shop windows, got asked for a light by a homeless man. Then we went to Flight Path. (Good Coffee! Good Restroom! Not Starbucks.) I made the mistake of eating a cinnamon roll, though. They get them from Upper Crust and they are gut bombs. I would pay later. We sat outside. The mailman came, asking if the dogs were 'all right' while fingering his pepper spray. (Yeah, well, they are both 'all right' and on leashes. Don't be such a pussy. In fact, we saw a pussy a lot braver. Stared Zoey down.)

I hadn't been to Flight Path in a long time. The gal making the coffee looked familiar. Well, one of her tattoos did. It was dynamite exploding. I commented that she'd been working there a long time. There are certian places in Austin where it is OK (no, almost required) to have one of: body piercings, tattoos, hair in color not found in nature. Flight Path is kind of in a slacker neighborhood.

After the walk, SuRu and I had agreed to take my mom to lunch and do some errands. We took her to Kerbey Lane. Our waitress was very thin but in a healthy, not-yet-grown way and had many facial piercings. Weekends with our little slacker nation make me feel better.

We kinda got lost on the way to Lakeline to help her return something. Malls. What a pain. Then we remembered her pants being hemmed at Melba's and she wanted to go there. She bought another top with some refund money and SuRu got something. Shopping makes me nervous, but Melba's is so much better. It occupies about the same sq. footage as the escalators in Dillard's at the mall. It is NOT the mall. It is locally-owned. A saleslady takes over fussing over Mom. I sit in a chair. There are no slackers in there, though.

It was a relief to get Mom taken care of. I love her and like spending time with her, but there are only so many hours.

Our evening was split between two parties. One honored Dave Steakley(on his tenth anniversary with Zach Scott) and there were a few songs from singers he's promoted in shows. The other was an outreach to the gay community from the ballet. It was after the Saturday night performance. FFP and I were on the host committee representing the board's commitment. It was at an attractive old house in an area that's become wildly, impossibly expensive. Good turnout and we spent time talking to good friends and meeting new people. I wasn't feeling great with the ever expanding remnants of that cinnamon roll in my gut. Never again! Sweetish Hill cinnamon rolls only in the future. Those I can digest.


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