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May 1, 2001




"High finance isn't burglary or obtaining money by false pretenses, but rather a judicious selection from the best features of those fine arts."

Finley Peter Dunne






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herding cats

If you grasp power and come up with some, the cats are still scurrying about. Sure, they are powerless to effect real, meaningful change. But they are still making a mess while you futilely order them into the bag.

Work was too much like that.

Tax estimates came in the mail, too. Isn't it interesting? Folks want us to live in the central city, not have to commute on the freeways so far, etc. But they gleefully find the least excuse to raise the tax base. Theoretically, they can only exercise the liberty of making our value ten percent more each year. The tax estimates don't reflect this, though, I don't believe. So they send shockwaves around when they hike the values up huge amounts. Do you think, however, that next year they will devalue the property for the coming (already here?) downturn in values? We are especially conflicted over the home we bought for my parents. We will lose the homestead exemption, small though it is. (Did you ever wonder why a landlord had to pay more taxes? Do we really want affordable housing to rent? Are the landlords supposed to gallantly NOT pass it on!!!) We lose whatever benefit their age might bring. Sigh. Sure, we can afford the taxes. This year. It's the constant rise that makes one afraid for the future. You'd think we were living in inflationary times.


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