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May 9, 2001




"There are two kinds of failures: those who thought and never did, and those who did and never thought."

Unattributed, 20,000 Quips & Quotes...Evan Esar





scary teeth







playing hooky

Everyone does it, of course. Takes time off for appointments of various kinds. I'm almost never sick. But today I came back after lunch and left shortly after never to return.

I stopped by my mom's and brushed my teeth. I went to the dentist for a consultation about a bunch of expensive dental work. Crowns and stuff. As a come-on bonus, they gave me some of that teeth whitening stuff for the lowers, a tray to fit over my teeth and the extra cast with blue things attached from which they made the tray.

Themes resound across the world in journals I read. Dental work was popular a few weeks ago.

Sometimes sick pets abound. Chalow had a little tumor under her leg. She chewed on it and that was bleeding. She was also a flea hotel (in spite of the pills and a recent dip). So she had to spend the night at the vet to get cleaned up, have surgery to remove the tumor and recover. The vet isn't worried about this kind of tumor. So unworried that he isn't even sending it off. (In this part of the world they say, 'we aren't sending it to A&M.' That's Texas A&M, capital of vet creation and vet research in these parts. Texas Agricultural and Mechanical.)

I missed her in the evening while FFP was at a meeting.

FFP is having a meeting here tomorrow so he wanted me to tame the wild paper pile in the room referred to around here as THE ROOM. I glanced at various stories as I shoved the papers into sacks for recycling, setting aside some Living Arts and Technopolis sections and such.

This is always an interesting scamper through recent news when I do this. The pope has been traveling around. In every photo I saw, he appeared to be propped up like a cardboard cutout. Is he actually still alive?

I noticed lots of layoff stories. And advice to job seekers about arranging an outplacement settlement when taking a job and about whether to take a job at a company where others were losing their jobs to layoffs. Layoffs are about to affect our city in a real way. But during this bust we expect to be on the sidelines. Watching. Like reality TV. Oh, sure I could lose my job. But we could still survive.

There was a picture of some veteran of something called 'Real World' about to bungee off a bridge. Is that a reality TV show? SuRu and I have been treating eXtreme dog walking as a sport, with imaginary commentators. (One is, of course, named Bob.) But now we are thinking: reality TV! A crew could follow us. We could wear body cams. The dogs could wear body cams. Well, it would be more interesting than some of that junk.

FFP and I meet at Westwood after his meeting and have a meal and a glass of wine. We are the only ones in the dining room. Everyone else is eating in the grill. Don't question these things. We have a view of a tranquil Lake Austin.

Home again, I finish the newspaper pile project.



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