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May 10, 2001




"The patent office is the mother-in-law of invention."

Unattributed, 20,000 Quips & Quotes...Evan Esar





the bendy, bendie, bendable, bendo, posable, collectible and Gumby and Pokey collection in transit







patented style

Many interesting meetings and events all in one day. No real accomplishments, though. Unless you count talking and thinking. And I don't. Oh and making a WEB site to organize an unwieldly task force.

One event was a hot dog lunch to celebrate a patent we received recently. It's the only patent I ever received and the only one ever filed with my name. The company likes them. As well they should. I'm less impressed. I think most software patents are bogus. Mine less so than others? Sure, of course.

It's been a rough year for Chalow. A year ago today she was struggling with the fallout from the attack by the other dog. Today she is recovering from her little tumor and still on her pills for her liver dysfunction. Sigh. Poor little dog. She's 70 in people years. But she seems like a pup most of the time, even with her troubles.

FFP made a dijon fish and salad for dinner and opened a bottle of Merlot. He likes to cook, he asserts. It's his new hobby.

With the paper pile drastically reduced, I feel all neat and clean. Maybe I should work on my book (working title: Traveling Light, Lessons in Packing and Life) in that spirit. Recently, I transported the bendable collection from the storage unit to the house. If that picture doesn't argue against collecting things, I don't know what would. About fourteen cubic feet of junk, looks to me.

On the other hand, maybe I should get out my master packing list and pack for the trip I have to go on Sunday. Nah...why do today what you can put off until tomorrow. Or Saturday.



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