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May 12, 2001




"If you don't want to work, you have to work to earn enough money so that you don't have to work."

Ogden Nash





the 'what were they thinking' house is somewhat improved but 'who were they thinking' would pay $748,500 for it?







packing it up

I slept hard last night. Lately I haven't been able to remember my dreams. I know I had some last night, but I can't remember them.

After draggin out of bed this morning, I finally agreed with SuRu that we'd take a walk sans-Chalow. It was a little weird but not too bad. We walked over by Jorge's, up Cat Street (Lynnwood) down almost to 38th and wound back by Taco Shack, sort of intending to stop. But there was a line out the door, no tables and the city idiots were noisly tearing up the pavement at the corner by Upper Crust. We went home.

We noticed the 'what were they thinking' house had lost the Alice in Wonderland window frames and gotten landscaping and the mermaid statue was hidden in the Crepe Myrtles by the driveway. Still, if they think they are getting almost three quarters of a million dollars for it, I think they are hallucinating.

While I was having a grapefruit and a bit of cheese, SuRu called and said we should relax a few hours and then go have a nice lunch. And relax. (I guess she sensed my tension on the walk.)

I showered up and then got my packing list printed out. I decided to pack really, really light. Well, as light as you can pack when you have to take a six pound computer with you. I slashed things I usually take like workout clothes, bathing suit, camera, hair dryer (count on the hotel), extra slacks. I never find time to exercise and figured if I did then I would take a walk. I'll wear my hiking boots on the plane. Still...I need a lighter computer.

SuRu picked FFP and I up at 12:30 and we tried to go to Starlite but it is only open in the evening. We went to 34th Street. It was packed. The 'first friends' (Laura Bush's best buddies) were there and several other people we knew. We had a nice meal.

When we pulled into the driveway, FFP made SuRu get out and look at the giant plant he believes gave him the skin rash. Sure enough, he surfed the web and found this picture on the web and it really does look like the stuff. Yikes that is a BIG plant. I imagine a scratchy throat while standing on the driveway near it.

Back home I finished the actual packing except for putting my computer away.

My parents come over for a visit. Dad is hearing some better. They sit and watch old movies on TV with us. Dad prowls the books. I pick out a book of drawings and memories from WWII. And a biography of Madame Curie by her daughter published in 1937. And an Oliver Saks book. Tell him to take them home. He's been rereading his book collection. He needs something new.

My mom mentions how much she likes the homemade card I gave her plastered with pictures of kids and grandkids.

FFP and I spend a lovely evening at home. We read. I chase around the cable dial looking for a decent movie, without luck. Whenever I tell FFP that nothing is on, he finds a good concert on some channel. Bruce Springsteen. Some jazz.

We consider going out for dessert. But we don't have the energy. I have to leave tomorrow morning. I'm not very pleased about it.



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