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May 11, 2001




"The patent office is the mother-in-law of invention."

Unattributed, 20,000 Quips & Quotes...Evan Esar





shop window







how did we get to Friday?

Today there were fewer meetings but the confusion consumed me. Things were kept from happening. Words were argued about. Nothing of substance happened but notes were taken. I realized at the end of the day that I'd be out next week and some of the next for business. I put a hasty sticky note on my door. I don't do the out of office things on the phone or the e-mail anymore. I just call in and pick up the messages. If possible. And, no, I can't imagine that it matters.

I had lunch with some business associates. The waiter thought we were upset that the entrees took a while to arrive. We'd eaten two baskets of chips and solved the world's problems. Or at least our company's problems. We hadn't noticed.

We had symphony tickets, but I was completely drained. Some last minute insight into corporate stupidity took my last ounce of energy. A quick call to FFP confirmed that we could stay home.

Stopped by my parents' house and gave my mother a card I made for her for Mother's Day. Dad was feeling better on his anti-biotic but his hearing has gotten really bad. We worried that the drug was causing it. (Nothing on the WEB would indicate that.) He couldn't here anything much and his own voice, he said, seemed to be in a well. He was making jokes about it, but was obviously worried. They'd been to church to play games in the morning and both seemed to have enjoyed it. (At least Methodists are up for a card game.)

At home, I was treated to some caviar, cheese and deli meats, and crackers with chopped onions, lemons and mustard to make our own little hors d'oeuvres. FFP had a 1994 Reserve Pinot open. I got some much needed calm and rest as the CD's FFP selected played.



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