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July 10, 2001




"It's no problem thinking what you'd like to say to a difficult customer--the problem is not saying it."

unattributed in 20,000 Quips and Quotes by Evan Esar




I always said I was going to photograph my possessions and then toss them all...maybe I will.







I have a conference call about a briefing next week. I am remarkably calm as they have me down to talk about something I'm not entirely comfortable with (or at all) because I know that I'll find someone else to do it by next week. Surely.

I was going to have lunch with Mom and Dad but when I call she doesn't sound like she feels like cooking much and Dad is off getting a haircut and buying groceries. SuRu and I eat a salad in Whole Foods, navigating the chaos that always overruns that place as if chemical-free food induced anarchy in all it touched.

We go to the container store. We look at a lot of stuff and each end up spending a couple of dollars.

After work, I run an errand to get some clean, sturdy boxes for some of our 'archives.' Then I drive down town for the customer dinner. I think I'll get there right at six, the start time of the meal, but I am down there and parked at 5:20. So I go to the Stephen F. Austin and, after a bit, gather up a couple of customers and a colleague from The Netherlands and we walk the block in the heat to Louie's 106 to check on the reservation. And get an early start on the drinks part. The group of customers and colleagues fills the wine cellar. The set meal is pretty good. I'm getting older and my customers are, too. The room is loud and I'm always getting people to repeat stuff and they ask me to as well.

Some are interested in the bats afterward. I take a few to The Four Seasons bar where we can watch them not fly in comfort. A few more who walked to the bridge find us. FFP comes down and joins us to pay the bill and buy one of the customers a Rebecca CD.

This is a good group of customers, mostly advocates of our work on their behalf. It is good to talk to good, reasonable customers now and again.

I'm tired at home. I haven't had that much to drink but not sleeping much at all two nights ago created a deficit, I think. I read a few pages of my bedside book and drift away.



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