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July 11, 2001




"It's no problem thinking what you'd like to say to a difficult customer--the problem is not saying it."

unattributed in 20,000 Quips and Quotes by Evan Esar




Wonders of technology.






and more customers

Well really the same ones, second day.

Visiting with customers makes you see all the warts and bumps in full relief. I am irritated by the AV set-up in the room. I manage to allow everyone to hear by using the mike and repeating stuff people say. Others don't do so well. It makes me nervous. The customers are in front and probably not as irritated. Except. We don't give them enough breaks.

A couple of guys come by for a drink after work before going out to eat with customers (thankfully) without me. One is a friend from The Netherlands and he collects vinyl and another is kind of interested in the music. They enjoy going through the LPs that we are thinking of giving away or selling. The guy from The Netherlands wants them all, he says, but can't figure out how to get them home. We figure we will save a few but can't really decide which. Forrest gives him one to take that he says is worth $30. Sure, if you find the buyer.

Forrest and I dine at Zoot in celebration of his birthday. They are passing out champagne for their anniversary. I have my glass and FFP's. Then a glass of Pinot. Maxwell sends an amuse bouche of curried mussels. I have a Caesar salad and tuna with grits, kale and exotic mushrooms (morels, oyster). It is outstanding. Rocking. The tuna was pretty rare, too, like I like it.

I don't last long at home. Still making up for one really sleepless night, I guess.



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