
Sept. 19, 2001

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the long way around





I'm getting my head around work. The company has caught a virus and so I don't have WEB access all day. But I'm in meetings anyway, what the heck. There are pep talks in the air.

I take a birthday card to my mom at lunch. I use her dial up to see if Air France is flying from Texas today. They allege they are. That's an improvement, I think. Things are runnig late, but maybe in a little over a week, they'll be better. Or...they will cancel the flight all together. All that travel to do work makes me tired thinking about it, I don't mind telling you. I have the stuff I want to present pretty well hammered. I just hope I arrive with enough enthusiam to give it.

SuRu and I do a dog walk after work. We go perilously close to this yard where dogs barked and the owner screamed at us. (After walking a long way trying to avoid walking there.) We also go near the apartments where 'hammer man' yelled at us for letting Zoey chase a squirrel. (She didn't catch it, of course. Not only because she was on a leash but because she never does.) SuRu doesn't want to go by these places. We go close to them, skirting them a bit. We will go the long way around to avoid them. "Unless it means he won," she says. "Then we will go right by, ready with the pepper spray."

FFP worked out at the club and picked up a roasted chicken and made steamed vegies. He opens some wine. I have a little cheese on the vegies. And some more cheese and some onions, too. Good. Add that to the slice of pizza and salad for lunch. Not a bad food day. Had a couple of pieces of peppermint and one (1) jelly belly, too. And a zillion cups of coffee.

Why am I rambling about what I ate? Because I can't think about the rubble sorting anymore.

Sat in chair and did papers/TV. Thought about life. What else is new?




making it happen










The journal. I don't know. Should I keep going? I'm starting to lose enthusiasm.





Can't think.
To type.


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