Tuesday, April 1, 2003


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April Fool

I spend the morning sorting through video tapes and moving furniture about. I figure I'll stay in for the morning before the maid arrives. I leave a piece of furniture pulled out, inviting her to clean behind it. In fact, she will finish the rearrangement for me.

SuRu suggests ZuZu's for lunch. Which is a lot of 'u's and ess sounds in one sentence. I never go there. I have a black bean nacho salad. We discuss the world's problems and the self-help book I'm reading.

I intend to go work out. But I decide to let my meal settle. I go a toy store in the neigborhood of my club, Over the Rainbow. I buy a couple of little toys and a book for my nephews.

At the club, I do 45+ minutes on bike and ab and back work.

I spend part of the afternoon in the wine cellar, organizing and sorting.

It is the 26th anniversary of Good Right Arm, Inc. FFP suggests a celebration with an early dinner. We go to Cafe at the Four Seasons. I have the Seafood Trio and the vegie entree, a martini and a glass of wine.

We get home in time to see the Lady Longhorns beat LSU to go to Final Four.

At the gym today a woman changes one of the TVs to a soap opera. I don't have ear phones, but once I glance up. The closed captioning says, "I don't think we'll need the straight jacket." Later, there are only two people in the club, me and a different woman. She climbs on one of the machines after changing all the TVs to four different news stations. All war.

I am reading this Self-Help book: How to Want What you Have by Timothy Miller. Basically, you are supposed to care about others, pay attention to details and be thankful that you have what you have. Then you start liking what you have and not always wanting more, more, more. Since I have more all over the floor (of my office), this is probably the book for me.







"On several occasions I have actually read parts of my diary aloud to someone. But too much 'publicity' is destructive to a diary, because the diarist begins, unconsciously perhaps, to leave out, to tone down, to pep up, to falsify experience, and the reason for the undertaking becomes buried beneath posings."

Gail Godwin, A Diarist on Diarists




Can't stop.
Need to acquire.
It fuels the economy.


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