Tuesday, September 23, 2003


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A Journal from Austin, Texas.
A Project of LBFFP Stealth Publishing.

food reading writing time exercise health and mood


it was fun seeing the boys growing up








it's always good to go home

One always has some kind of urge to get back to wherever it is that is home.

I wonder if it was an urge to go home that compelled Larry McMurtry to open for Booked Up bookstores in Archer City? We pause in our hurtling homeward to stop and have a look. Alas, none are open and don't really promise to be until Thursday. I peek in all the windows, get a brochure from the spruced up Spur Hotel, notice that the old theater (The Last Picture Show) is a shell with a marquee and is open at the back with a stage for outdoor shows, I guess. There is a phone number to call to see if someone will open up, but no one answers.

My own urge to go home, and Austin is certainly that to me after almost twenty-eight years, wins out. We buy some gas (someone got a little commerce out of our diversion) and head to Windthorst. The diversion wasn't a total loss, though. We saw a dead pig in the road. That was a first on my life list of road kill. And we saw some live camels, too. We almost hit a deer ourselves a little later. We decide our quest for road kill doesn't extend to creating it. I almost tangle with a semi, too, that appears unexpectedly when the road narrows after a crossroad. Collision averted in both cases.

We know we are on the home stretch in Lampasas and soon we are in the sprawl that is now Liberty Hill and Cedar Park and are creeping along to where 183 is finished.

Home. Nothing like it.







The idea of a book town is great.
I'll have to go back some day when I can do more than peer through the glass.
Saved me money I'll bet.
I should start a book town.
With my three thousand volumes.
Or, at least, read some of them.




Food Diary.

banana, boiled egg

couple ounces cheese, six crackers, most of 110 calorie smoked sliced turkey, 5.5 ounce V8, goldfish (75 or so?)

a part of a bunch of small dishes at Uchi (maguro and goat cheese, tempura green tomato, crab and scallop cake, tuna, mussels
1/2 bottle wine

ounce of cheese and shot of whiskey



But guess what? I didn't gain any weight in the last ten days. It's a miracle I tell you.





Time flies....

Just driving and then trying to get to sleep to do it again.





Two Sides of the Beach by Edmund Blandford. Didn't read much. Read a few of the papers that stacked up here while I was gone.





Nothing. Well...I scribbled in my notebook yet again.



Nothing. I considered going to the club when I got home but didn't do it. Travel is hard on exercise resolve.





Mood is always locked in this okay place when I'm hurtling across the map.


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