Sunday, November 9, 2003


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A Journal from Austin, Texas.
A Project of LBFFP Stealth Publishing.

tangled WEB food reading writing time exercise health and mood



some friends of ours sing during last night's outing


"Charity creates a multitude of sins."
Oscar Wilde






staying home

We did go out. In two separate cars to the gym. And to three different shopping venues with crowded parking lots. But the day was characterized by staying home.

It's pleasant to be home, to give over to going through your things or just reading or dozing.

We were invited to at least three things tonight. All involved a charity. One might have been free. One was a $30 ticket. One was a $250 ticket. This last one we sort of wanted to go to since, although it wasn't a charity we normally support, a group of our friends were performing.

We decided, however, to skip spending $500. Instead we had our usual trip to the gym today and ran three errands, spending somewhat less than two hundred dollars and ending up with a fancy smancy new trash can that will be difficult for the dog to dine from (her disesase was diagnosed by the doc as garbagitis), some other container store purchases, a $3.98 bargain table book on home design and some healthy groceries.

I have to say that as the hour of six o'clock approached, I was glad to not choose an after five outfit and go sit through a party with auctions for charity. I would have liked to visit with my friends and hear them perform but I wasn't up for the rest of it. I'm glad the money was an obstacle. Oh, we could have afforded it, per se. But we didn't feel like spending it on this.

And yeah...I was just as glad not to sort through the glittery tops and tuxedo stuff and head down to the Four Seasons in the rain.






I used to feel I wanted to be everywhere.
See what was going on.
Buy the ticket.
Be inside.
Now, I sit at home and know what's going on.
Far from it.
I'm watching TV in jeans and a sweatshirt.
And I know the routine as if I'd been there.



Food Diary.

three slices turkey bacon


couple slices provolone cheese
a little bit of leftover rotisserie chicken
a handful of Puffins cereal


a bunch of chips with Spicy Tofu dip
a handful of puffins
some green tea with a teaspoon of sugar
a slice of American cheese and a slice of hard salami
some green onions
a bowl of total cornflakes with 2% milk and a banana

I never actually ate dinner...I just kept snacking.

Today I didn't
- seem to get full enough until after that bowl of cereal...I felt hungry all day...I guess eating breakfast will do that
- drink alcohol
- eat any vegies to speak of (unless you count onions and tomatoes in the migas and a few green onions)





Time flies....

We slept in again until eightish. FFP made breakfast and I cleaned up. I made a bunch of backups to CDs of the old stuff from my old computer that crashed that I'd copied to my new one. I read and sorted some papers. I didn't get to the gym until 11:30 and didn't get back until almost 1:30. After a standup lunch and a shower, we went on our shopping excursion (with major drifting through Borders, looking at house design books and magazines for remodel ideas). We didn't get back until 4:30 and then we sat down to eat some dip and chips and read.

I messed around a bit more with the computer and then dozed and snoozed through a King of the Hill rerun, a Law and Order episode and various home decorating shows.





Daybook, The Journal of an Artist by Anne Truitt. I'm still thinking of basing an essay on this one, but not today.

Newspapers. I read some of today's papers and some old ones as well while sitting and waiting for backups. I even read a little bit of a recent The New Yorker issue. I really wish I could get around to that every week.




this and only this...but tomorrow, yeah, tommorrow I'm going to write something else



Twenty-two minutes on the recumbent bike.
Back, leg, biceps exercises.
Thirty-two minutes on the recumbent bike.





Mood is a little bit dreary today...more of a match for the weather than yesterday.


It's a Tangled
Web we weave...these
days of our lives.

One year ago
"So I get a DVD and play it in both that computer and the Mac just to compare. Just watching a few scenes. Annie Hall if you must know. This is the only way we can watch DVDs at the moment. The unit in our media room went out."

Two years ago

"Yeah I have to have twenty people for Thanksgiving. But in two weeks...I should be able to learn to cook!."

An Interesting Link
Texas hasn't executed anyone in almost two months. This link is especially useful for doing things like seeing if only George Bush and Rick Perry had executions on their watch. Uh, no. Review list for January 15, 1991 -
January 17, 1995. (Ann Richards, she of the silver foot in mouth comment, reigned over Texas then.) Note that one poor guy was executed on George W. Bush's inauguration day when Ann turned the state over to him. "No, dude, the governor hasn't called. In fact, it's now George Bush and it's, like, his first day."

The Internet is amazing, isn't it? Sometimes you can find out stuff that is actually true. The truth is the enemy of politicians Of course, what is true??




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