The Visible Woman

AUSTIN, Texas, August 28, 2004 — Classmates from forty years ago stood around talking about taking care of their parents, retirement (having done it or wishing for it), travel. One fellow promotes some multi-level marketing. A teacher seems apologetic about teaching. A large unreconstructed hippie living in California doing 'fund raising' to 'make the world a better place' repeatedly says she 'likes my voice' but falls short of insulting my accent. She has a fancy many megapixel digital camera. I point out to FFP that those that are incarcerated or the real down and outs and those too obese to leave the house aren't represented. Also, I guess, though I don't say so, those who are so successful they can't be bothered. There is a cardiologist, though.

AUSTIN, Texas, August 27, 2004 — T-Shirts spotted in the gym from low to high, ridicuolous to sublime: Dirty Martin's Hamburgers and Jungfraujoch.

I read out the names of the deceased to FFP as we drove away from his reunion reception. He would express surprise at some, described the medical problems of one even in high school and said one was 'shot by his wife.'


AUSTIN, Texas, August 24, 2004 — Vignette:

  • Two young men at the film meeting. "What are you doing for money now?"
    "I'm doing contracting film stuff."
    "That must be fun."
    Second one rolls eyes.

AUSTIN, Texas, August 23, 2004 — Vignette:

  • A ladybug crawls along the pebbled pool deck, right at my eye level while I'm stretching, slowing exploring each little outcropping.


AUSTIN, Texas, August 22, 2004 — Vignettes:

  • An older woman peddling on 35th Street with a wicker basket on her bike, a big helmet and what appeared to be white wool gloves.
  • A vanity plate: I AM I

AUSTIN, Texas, August 21, 2004 — A woman in the passenger side of a vehicle on Allandale Road with her elbow out the window...sporting a sunburst design on that elbow.

AUSTIN, Texas, August 18, 2004 — Vignette:

  • Piles of useless stuff...bad objects, broken electronics, broken toys, dusty books. Should convince me that what I want are sleek surfaces! The Junior League makes things look more tidy but it's still a thrift store.

AUSTIN, Texas, August 14, 2004 — Vignettes:

  • One woman to another on exercise equipment in front of TVs showing Olympics: "I didn't know the Chinese would be tall enough."
  • One woman to another working out: "Has anyone told you that you look like Winona Ryder? A prettier one, but Winona." The victim says, "But not a shoplifter!?"

AUSTIN, Texas, August 13, 2004 — Didn't really do anything much today for production.

  • My friend and I are in the Vietnamese sandwich shop and everyone else looks Vietnamese. Several are not speaking English.
  • The person in front of me in line at Phoenecian tosses all the weird products on the counter in a familiar way like shopping for Greek food is something they do every day.

AUSTIN, Texas, August 12, 2004 —
I reread some material that I'd written earlier to be part of a memoir of sorts and I also started rereading some material that wanted to be a novel. I made some handwritten notes on a possible memoir, too. Truthfully, the journal is my attempt at 'writing' for the moment. A place to keep my chops up. That's why I have the different sections. The journal is a commonplace book, the place where I record impressions and freely write what I please. I'm thinking I need a section called 'vignettes.' Because I notice little things that don't fit in with the essay or with the 'just typing' or with a chronology or whatever. For example, the other day we went to Dirty's for a burger. When we came out there were some 'drag worms' (homeless people who hand out near campus) who were eating out of the garbage cans. And just a few days ago when I got into my car at the club, two dragon flies were mating on my windshield. Occasionally I see interesting people or observe something about a group. I get snatches of conversation. These are the things that belong in a commonplace book. Since this section (writing) is so little, um, 'written in' and since it was intended to be the record of writing I did outside the journal...well...I've decided that it is going to be the place for these vignettes, ideas, smatterings. As well as to announce progress on real writing, that being writing that (for now at least) is not available on the WEB.

AUSTIN, Texas, August 1, 2004 — I never to write anything but this journal??

AUSTIN, Texas, July 16, 2004 —
Started work on an article for West Austin News.

AUSTIN, Texas, July 8, 2004 —
Finished article for West Austin News. Like the journal I don't really consider this 'writing.'

AUSTIN, Texas, July 7, 2004 —
Worked on an article for West Austin News.

AUSTIN, Texas, July 2, 2004 —
When I do a 'just typing' on the sort of theme of the day is when I feel that somehow I am producing something creative, not just words.

AUSTIN, Texas, July 1, 2004 —
I swear I'm going to write this month. Really.

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