Tuesday, March 30, 2004


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A Journal from Austin, Texas.
A Project of LBFFP Stealth Publishing.

tangled WEB food reading writing time exercise health and mood




in the groove

I think my new profession, retirement, should have a groove. Maybe, just maybe, I found it.

Maybe that's the problem. You need a grove. Not exactly a schedule, but a way of doing business. Today, I felt in that groove. I calmly did my workout, my chores, my meals out with friends. I did my favors, thought my thoughts, did it with pleasure.

And...I didn't get that panicked feeling that I should be doing something else.






blast from the past...collage from 1999 trip to Normandy





You've got to have a way of living.
That gives you a guideline.
The rules.
You don't have to think so much.






Food Diary.



[Ventana at the Texas Culinary Academy]

mussels in a creamy white wine sauce
couple of little tasty rolls and butter
stuffed quail, risotto
a few bites of some desserts


four orange slices


about half a bottle of red wine
chilled truffled potato soup
salmon and risotto and baby bok choy
cheese plate and a couple of toasts
couple of smallish slices of bread

Today I
- had fine, refined meals and enjoyed them thoroughly.




Time flies....

I wanted to get an earlier start. But I got to the club in time to do a bit of a workout. Then I rush home to get there in time to have a relaxed shower and be ready to go to lunch with some girlfriends. Of course, various things are bubbling around the household. In any case, at about 11:15 SuRu and I head to Ventana, the white tablecloth restaurant at the Texas Culinary Academy. We have a nice lunch with another friend in honor of her (recent) birthday. SuRu takes me home and goes for an appointment. I try to tidy up some of the things pending with me. I go pick up some shoes at the shoe shop, help the bookkeeper get her machine going, stuff like that. Then a friend stops by to leave her car here and get a ride to meet some relatives and to to the airport with them. Then I spent a little time watching some DVDs and reading.

We went out to dinner, carrying a bottle of Silver Oak 1994. Our buddies showed up with a bottle of Premier Cru Burgundy. We had a nice Zoot meal. (FYI: chicken with kale is back on the menu.)








The (never-produced) screenplay of Harrow Alley in an old issue of Scenario The Magazine of Screenwriting Art. And started the screenplay for His Girl Friday.






Thinking about Things.

Writing instruments. Pens, pencils, markers.
They are everywhere. In drawers, in cups on counters and desks. WIthout bothering to count I'd guess 200 or more. Of course, then you never have one handy that writes.




recumbent bike
ergonomic rower
water aerobics
chest, shoulder, triceps
leg, back, bicep
lower back
ab exercises

* didn't actually do the biceps today





Feel fine. Mood was calm.


It's a Tangled
Web we weave...these
days of our lives.

One year ago
"My weight is stalled at under 170 a little. Maybe because I eat like a pig?"

Two years ago
"When I quit working, we will be conservative. That is plenty of time to stop spending, I think. "





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I'm weighing on new scales in the bathroom and the balance beam at the club (with workout clothes and shoes) and sort of guessing where I really am.